Certification & Qualification:
- Bachelor of Psychology (HONS), University of Hertfordshire, UK
- Master in Counselling (HELP)
- Licensed and Registered Counsellor (LKM)
- Psychological First Aid (Coursera)
Language(s) Spoken:
- English
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
- Hakka
- A life member of PERKAMA International
- A clinical as well as board member of Malaysian Marital and Family Association
- A professional member of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy
Cheryl Chin graduated with a master’s in counselling, she is a licensed and registered mental health counsellor with Malaysian Board of Counsellors (Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia), a life member of Perkama (Persatuan Kaunseling Malaysia Antarabangsa) International, a clinical as well as board member of Malaysian Marital and Family Association and also a professional member of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy.
She is currently pursuing her graduate diploma, specializing in multigenerational family therapy. In the past 6 years, she has been providing crisis and psychosocial interventions to the marginalized and vulnerable communities. These communities include refugees and asylum seekers from:
• Somalia,
• Yemen,
• Afghanistan,
• Palestine,
• Iran and
• Syria.
Holding the position as the senior counsellor and also the focal point of mental health unit, she collaborated closely with United Nations High Commission (UNHCR) for Refugees Malaysia, professionals such as social case workers, legal advisors, medical doctors, clinical psychologists and also psychiatrists to provide a holistic intervention to Person of Concerns who struggled with mental health issues. These of which involved conducting victim-sensitive forensic and psychological intake interviews and psychological interventions with the survivors of extreme torture, war and persecution and sexual gender-based violence. Currently, Cheryl holds the position of mental health counsellor at Global Doctors Hospital and TGGD Medical and Dental Clinic.